Apr 27 [28], 2011
1. In terms of dollars, one of you mentioned that selling silver now, bought into the depths of the bear mkt, and buying gold with the proceeds, gives an overall price of $170 for gold, if you look at your whole metals trade against dollars.
2. So, gold would have to tank to $170 an ounce, to put you in the hole against dollars. That would be 100% true, if you actually cared about the dollar price of gold. Soon, you will only care about the weight of your gold, like it or not.
3. The gold punisher has only barely started to punish billions of the world's debt-a-holics, freedom destroyers, and gutless price chasers. Juniors subs should check out the Flying Five video I posted last night. They are looking like bottles of champagne being shaken by the banksters' kiddies while daddy bankster feeds the leveraged hedge funds more heroin to short them with otc derivative contracts, while taking the other side of the trade himself. Get ready for the gold stocks UPSIDE POP of a LIFETIME.
4. Gold's price against the world's toilet paper and gold's role as punisher should not be confused. They are related, but there is much, much more to what gold IS, than just a financial punisher of the world's paper currencies.
5. You either feel what gold is, or you don't. What you FEEL about gold is a mirror of your SOUL. Those who don't feel anything may be destined to end their lives looking like emotional glow worms. At least that will cut back on the need for night lighting, for you.
6. The current obsession with valuing wealth changes in dollars will actually grow for most of the world, but it will become an obsession with getting out of ALL govt paper money, and it will be fuelled by the emotion of maximum terror. Look in your emotional mirror at the day of the lows of Dow 6500. Now multiply that by 100. That day lies head.
7. Click here now to view the first of a series of "Elmer Fudd in action" charts that may frighten you. USD terror chart. Note the transition in colour. One failed buy signal after another, and this just against the other govt paper currencies.
8. Picture many bits of toilet paper in a golden blast furnace. Each flaming piece of toilet paper is telling the other how they will be last to turn to ash. How wonderful? Try... the death of a billion clowns. That is, sadly, the plight of 99% of the world's investors. In action. TODAY.
9. Click here now to view the "amped" view of America in the gold punisher's blast furnace: USD monthly chart. There's no point calling this a "ratio chart against gold" anymore. It's the monthly chart of the USD. Period. [Well ....] I TOLD you to view gold as currency, and all that matters is how much you WEIGH. It's already happening to a MOUNTAIN of you and is becoming a LANDSLIDE of Graceland Sub ACTION.
10. Are you worth your weight in gold? That's not an "old fashioned" saying from granny. That's the real world, and the question is, are you IN the real world? Click here now to view some Down Under Thunder? Fudd action, at the hands of the punisher.
11. Let's not leave Elmer Canadian Fudd out of the picture. Look at the Canadian dollar monthly chart. What a pathetic joke. That's a one-way ticket to the breadline chart.
12. There is no re-start of houses to the sky on a credit card "any day now". All hands on the photocopier deck won't do anything to fix anything. Fudd in Canada thinks he's "escaped" the debacle in US real estate. Escaped? The real estate bear market in Canada hasn't even started yet. The interest rate bomb is yet to hit the real estate ground. The bankster bombers are in the air now. Are you prepared? When the bombs hit, it will be lights out for Elmer Canadian Fudd and his "my debt drug is superior to America's debt drug" fantasy. Is a Canadian breadline superior to an American breadline? Maybe in the summer. How about... the winter?
13. An army of you sent me play by play action of the failure of one top caller after another, yesterday. That's only the tip of the iceberg. Don't pray to the photocopier. This is only the beginning of the main act of the gold punisher show.
14. Does this statement sum up the action of this week so far?: It's a chart-a-holic and top caller clam bake, and you have Orville Redenbacher on speed dial, so you ARE prepared!
15. ONLY two things will work in the market now. The PGEN has [and?] HSR. I'm considering starting an HSR response trading service, covering the major ETFs as well as the Seniors Six Pack stocks that all are poised to say, "hello Stratosphere, here I come!". Subscribers would have a choice of using daily charts or 30 minute chart HSR. It could get INTENSE. Most trading services cost around $200 a month or more. I'm thinking of a similar price range. Well, sort of. I'm thinking mine should be priced around $4.99 a month for daily charts and $9.99 for 30 min charts.
16. Gold had another "rough night'. It "only" tagged $1535. GoldLion told me yesterday that his personal friends are becoming suicidal, watching gold soar while gold stocks DEFINE the term, "wet noodle". Morris Hubbartt over at Super Force Signals told me he believes the GDX should be trading at $100 today, JUST based on the action in gold since October. Should be trading at $100, could be trading at $100, would be trading at $100, but traded in the 59s yesterday. Welcome to the bankster "gimme all your gold stocks now show". The only question is, can you ENDURE? Morris and GoldLion can definitely endure. Can YOU?
17. Over the past month, I've taken myself, and the funds I manage, to a world of massive bets on GDX, relatively speaking, while team suicide ramps up their bail and fail action. Between vomit spews on the GDX buy, I'll note that the higher the price of gold goes while gold stocks do a "wet noodle", the more YOU need to step up to the endurance and buy plate. I've booked over a thousand WINS on GDX trades, WHILE building that massive core, so that's rumoured to have limited my vomited while building a new supercore. The bottom line: It's time for the kiddies to go home and the big boys and girls to take centre gold stocks stage.
18. In all seriousness, I'm starting to believe the final price target for GDX could be: $1000. The banksters think in generations. So must you. It could all happen in 12 months, or 2 for that matter, but in a war, there is no timeline to victory. There is only endless endurance. The US dollar institutional money panic NEARS. Are YOU prepared?
19. I told GoldLion last nite that I view the situation in gold juniors right here, right now, as EXPLOSIVE. Yesterday's action was "amped" after a horrific morning. He said he "only" agreed by a factor of one million percent. All YOU need to do is focus on ENDURANCE. The party will look after itself if you can ENDURE. I understand that most of you bought a lot of gold stock at the highs of 2006 and 2008 and the level of frustration amongst most gold stock investors watching the wet noodle show is EXTREME. I can't you're your exact pain, since I bought into the day of the lows of 2008 on the Dow and gold stocks, but that isn't going to make you any richer per se. Know this: there is no limit to the amount of pain you can endure, to the amount of pain you MUST endure. IF you want your gold stocks dream turned nightmare, to turn back to dream, here & now.
20. One member of my own family visited me last night and discussed his very real thoughts of suicide. [!] YOU will all be involved in similar situations in the coming years, bigtime, as the crisis accelerates, and the gold punisher accelerates her actions on the world's debt-a-holics and price chasers. Handouts from you to them won't stop the suicidal thoughts. Only the emotionally strong will survive. It's not about economic theory anymore. It's about emotional strength. Businesses will burn, and more and more citizens will nosedive to the Gman dole, reduced to emotional shells of men while your gold party grows ever-bigger! Suicides will become an epidemic. Less and less of you will be forced to carry the tax burden, as the Gman siphons from an ever-smaller PRODUCTION line. You will have to work harder to carry the bozo patrol, like it or not.
21. Buy DOLLARS with core position silver? Are you MAD? Buy gold if you think silver is overbought, or buy a ticket to the breadline. Tough decision, but one that needs to be made. Silver is overbought on a chart, not HIGH in price. Know the difference. Live the wealth.
22. For those of you who demanded that somebody wire money to my offshore lawyer in the caymans to start a no-leverage offshore clone of an onshore gold fund that can access the gold market at night and early morning, that was done yesterday. I finally figured out that you need to place 3 "xxx's' after the swift code when wiring out of JPMorgan. Would I put some personal money in such a fund? Yes. Perhaps just in time for the "Gold and GDX to the sky" performance, on the main gold stage.
23. I'm also talking with the lawyer about creating a special purpose vehicle for JUST gold juniors that would have fund-style accounting done by a licensed fund administrator with billions under admin. If GDX is going to $1000, where might GDXJ and GLDX go to? I don't know, but rather than a chartist, the answer might require the services of an astronomer.
24. Attention silver bears with no physical core: Gold went to a new high last night. How does that FEEL? Are you AFRAID that silver might blast thru your broken $50 button on the photocopier, like a silver husqvarna chain saw ripping thru top calling butter? Keep beating on your broken button. Ha ha ha! That can't save you. You SHOULD be afraid.... because an astroblast right thru $50.... MIGHT REALLY HAPPEN!!!
Gridtime! Go Gold! Attention Graceland gold and silver bullion tanks: Time to move out and exterminate more photocopiers. Root them out, search and destroy. Those of you who sold silver for gold are in PARTY MODE today, rather than blubbering on the USD photocopier clown line, mumbling, "why, why why!?!". Attention Graceland gold stock holders from 2006: Your mission, and you have no choice but to accept it, is to ENDURE. Endure your way to the winners circle!.... Lastly, there's a job opening at Graceland Updates. Wanted: Experienced astronomer, with a focus on distant regions of outer price space.
S "GDX to $1000" rocket man t... out!